“Alley House” is a small multi-family housing project with retails on its first floor, located in an area where multiplex houses and neighborhood living facilities are congested. In the process of Seoul’s rapid urbanizations, nature has often been pushed out of priority and neglected. The district where the project is located is one of the most extreme areas in which the nature and public space have been ignored and removed.
However, based on the close observation of this area in its everyday life, one can find possible solutions to enrich this neighborhood with green and public space. As walking along the streets in this desolate neighborhood, one can see green life is growing spontaneously in the gaps between buildings and streets. In addition, some neighbors are utilizing tiny empty spots at the corner between alleys to grow plants as well as to have a seat and rest. Learning from everyday life phenomena opens up new possible solutions to brighten this area with green scenery of natural patterns as well as small but valuable resting area for community.
The “Alley House” project is based on the observation and learning from this neighborhood’s everyday life and living patterns. From the learning, it provides a gap space for relaxation and nature in the margins of the building and property lines. It blurs the boundary between private and public through its green gap space, which is maintained by private but becomes a green scenery for public on the street. The narrow stair within the building mass become an extension of the alley, which provides a small community space where residence can grow plants and take a rest and enjoy nature. By overcoming local limitations, “Alley House” suggests an alternative to recover nature and community space in this barren neighborhood, by learning from the alley and everyday life pattern.